Verb patterns with objects
With “to” or “for”: “I gave the keys to my neighbor.”
Without “to” or “for”: “I gave my neighbor the keys.”
Japanese: キーを隣人に渡しました。
With “to” or “for”: “She will send a letter to her friend.”
Without “to” or “for”: “She will send her friend a letter.”
Japanese: 彼女は友達に手紙を送るでしょう。
With “to” or “for”: “They offered some advice to the committee.”
Without “to” or “for”: “They offered the committee some advice.”
Japanese: 彼らは委員会にいくつかの助言を提供した。
With “to” or “for”: “He explained the rules to the players.”
Without “to” or “for”: “He explained the players the rules.”
Japanese: 彼はプレイヤーにルールを説明した。
With “to” or “for”: “We showed our tickets to the usher.”
Without “to” or “for”: “We showed the usher our tickets.”
Japanese: チケットを案内人に見せました。
With “to” or “for”: “The teacher read a story to the children.”
Without “to” or “for”: “The teacher read the children a story.”
Japanese: 先生は子供たちに話を読んであげた。
With “to” or “for”: “She mentioned the appointment to her assistant.”
Without “to” or “for”: “She mentioned her assistant the appointment.”
Japanese: 彼女はアシスタントに予約を伝えました。
With “to” or “for”: “I reported the issue to the manager.”
Without “to” or “for”: “I reported the manager the issue.”
Japanese: 問題をマネージャーに報告しました。
With “to” or “for”: “They described the situation to the authorities.”
Without “to” or “for”: “They described the authorities the situation.”
Japanese: 彼らは当局に状況を説明した。
With “to” or “for”: “The artist presented a new painting to the museum.”
Without “to” or “for”: “The artist presented the museum with a new painting.”
Japanese: 芸術家は美術館
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